


1 神的愛滿滿,無償地賜給人無償地賜給人,包圍著人;人天真無邪,無牽無掛,幸福地活在神的眼目之下;神牽掛著人,人又是在神的庇佑之下活著庇佑之下活著,人所做的、人的一言一行都與神息息相關,不能分開。

2 從神創造人類的那一刻開始,神對人類就有了責任。他的責任是什麼呢?他要保護人他要保護人,他要看顧人,他希望人能夠相信也能夠聽從他所說的話,這也是神對人類的第一個期望這也是神對人類的第一個期望。

3 在有了這個期望的同時神才說出了這樣的話:「園中各樣樹上的果子你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的果子你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死因為你吃的日子必定死。」這句簡單的話代表著神的心意,也流露出神的心已經開始牽掛人了。

4 在這幾句簡單的話裡,我們看到了神的心,神的心裡有沒有愛?有沒有牽掛?神的愛與牽掛不但讓人能體會得到,更能讓人著著實實地觸摸得到。如果你是一個有良心、有人性的人,你會感覺到溫暖,感覺到被牽掛,感覺到被愛,也會感覺到幸福。

5 當你感覺到這些的時候,你對神會怎麼樣呢?你會不會依戀神哪?你會不會對神心生敬愛啊?你的心會不會會不會靠近神哪?可見,神的愛對人是多麼重要!而人能體會、理解神的愛就更為重要了!可見,神的愛對人是多麼重要!而人能體會、理解神的愛就更為重要了!
摘自《話在肉身顯現(續編)·神的作工、神的性情與神自己 一》




摘自《基督的最新發聲說話·神的作工、神的性情與神自己 一》

推薦:一個「法利賽人」的懺悔《往事如刺》 https://goo.gl/ykNfCh
推薦:揭開神名的奧祕《神的名更換啦?!》 https://goo.gl/38xxKg
推薦:與光重逢 不再尋覓《虛心的人有福了》 https://goo.gl/5gMcmp
推薦:揭開聖經的內幕《鐵證——聖經揭祕》 https://goo.gl/KZwnAO




전능하신 하나님의 발표 《복음을 확장하는 사역도 사람을 구원하는 사역이다》

전능하신 하나님께서 말씀하셨습니다. “너희들은 마땅히 알아야 한다. 나의 사역이 확장될 때, 나는 너희들을 분산시킬 것이고 너희들을 마치 여호와가 이스라엘 각 지파를 격타한 것처럼 격타할 것이다. 이 모든 것은 다 나의 복음을 온 땅에 널리 퍼지게 하기 위한 것이며, 나의 사역을 이방에 확장하여 나의 이름이 어른에게든 아이에게든 높임 받게 하고 각방(各邦)과 각 족속 사람의 입으로 나의 성호를 칭송할 수 있게 하기 위한 것이다. 이 맨 마지막 시대에는 나의 이름이 이방 중에서 크다고 일컬음을 받을 수 있게 하며, 나의 행사가 이방 중의 사람에게 보이게 하고 또한 나의 행사로 말미암아 나를 전능자라고 부르게 하며, 나의 입에서 나온 말이 하루빨리 이루어지게 한다. 나는 모든 사람으로 하여금 다 알게 할 것이다. 내가 이스라엘 사람의 하나님일 뿐만 아니라 이방 각 족속 사람의 하나님이다. 설사 내가 저주한 족속일지라도. 나는 모든 사람으로 하여금 내가 모든 피조물의 하나님임을 보게 할 것이다. 이것은 나의 최대의 사역이고, 말세에서의 나의 역사 계획의 취지이며, 말세에 성취하려는 나의 유일한 사역이다.”

[동방번개] 전능하신 하나님 교회는 예수님의 재림—말세의 그리스도 '전능하신 하나님'의 중국에서의 역사로 말미암아 탄생된 것이지 사람이 세운 것이 아닙니다. 그리스도는 곧 진리, 길, 생명이십니다. 하나님의 말씀을 읽어보면 하나님께서 이미 나타나셨음을 알게 됩니다.
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The Appearance of God | The Origin and Development of the Church of Almighty God

The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus—Christ of the last days, and also under His righteous judgment and chastisement. The church is comprised of all those who truly accept Almighty God’s work of the last days and are conquered and saved by God’s word. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally, and is personally led and shepherded by Him, and it was by no means set up by any man. This is a fact acknowledged by all the chosen people in the Church of Almighty God. Whoever is used by God incarnate is predestined by God, and personally appointed and testified to by God, just as Jesus personally chose and appointed the twelve disciples. Those who are used by God only cooperate with His work, and cannot do God’s work in His stead. The church was not founded by those who are used by God, nor do God’s chosen people believe in or follow them. The churches of the Age of Grace were not set up by Paul and other apostles, but were the product of the work of the Lord Jesus and founded by the Lord Jesus Himself. Likewise, the Church of Almighty God in the last days has not been established by those used by God, but is the product of the work of Almighty God. The people who are used by God only water, supply, and lead the churches, performing the duty of man. Although God’s chosen people are led, watered, and supplied by those who are used by God, they believe in and follow none other than Almighty God, and accept and obey His words and work. This is a fact that no one can deny. Because of the appearance and work of God incarnate, many true believers of the Lord in all religious denominations and sects have finally heard the voice of God, have seen that the Lord Jesus has already come and carried out the work of judgment in the last days, and they have all confirmed that Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus—and as a result, they have accepted His work of the last days. All those who are conquered by the word of Almighty God become subject to His name. Therefore, all the chosen people of the Church of Almighty God pray to Almighty God, and follow, obey and worship Him. Having experienced God’s work of judgment and chastisement, the chosen people in China have come to appreciate His righteous disposition, and have seen His majesty and wrath, and so they have been completely conquered by God’s word and have fallen down before Almighty God, and are willing to obey and accept the judgment and chastisement of God’s word. Thus, they have gained God’s salvation.

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the work of the returned Lord Jesus—the end-time Christ, “Almighty God”—in China, and it isn't established by any person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. After reading God’s word, you will see that God has appeared.

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